Call for Abstracts: Genetic Strategies to Treat the Epilepsies Workshop

NINDS announces a workshop on Genetic Strategies to Treat the Epilepsies on June 20-21, 2024!  This will be a hybrid meeting with both in-person and virtual attendance.  Please visit the website to register and for more information about the workshop: Classic Home - NINDS Genetic Strategies to Treat the Epilepsies (

Call for Abstracts:  NINDS has issued a call for abstracts for poster presentations at the workshop.  All investigators are eligible to submit abstracts for consideration for poster presentations at the workshop.  Early career investigators may indicate that they would like to be considered for selection to receive travel support to attend the workshop.  Deadline to submit an abstract is May 24, 2024!

Please contact Melissa Hill at: with questions about the workshop and abstract submission.