Apply for a NeuroNEXT Grant

Who is eligible to apply? ANYONE! We have several funding mechanisms for academic and industry partners, and you do not have to be based at a NeuroNEXT site to submit. 

The first step is to complete the NeuroNEXT Clinical Study Concept Synopsis. This form helps us determine if your project is feasible within the Network. For more information on the submission process, or to submit a completed concept synopsis, please contact:

Dr. Hyun Joo (Sophie) Cho
Director, NINDS Neurology Consultation Service

The initial determination of project suitability is made by NINDS. Your concept form will be reviewed by a Program Director at NINDS and, if it aligns with the mission and priorities of the institute, will be referred to the NeuroNEXT Executive Committee (NEC) to assess the feasibility of conducting your project within the Network. The NEC’s evaluation focuses on patient access, site interest and network capacity, as well as project-specific issues like the disease population, any regulatory requirements, the availability of drug and/or placebo, and any other factors NEC might find relevant.

If the NEC determines your project to be feasible within NeuroNEXT, you will work with representatives from both the CCC and the DCC to prepare your project for review at the NINDS Extramural Science Committee (ESC). The ESC evaluation will focus on the strength of the scientific rationale and the estimated budget of the proposal. 

Once ESC has approved your project, the real work begins! The CCC and DCC will convene a Protocol Working Group (PWG) with clinical and statistical expertise, to collaborate with you on the proposed study. The PWG will help craft a final protocol and proposal that is optimized for NeuroNEXT; help you develop a suitable budget for the project, including per-patient costs; ensure that a member of the applicable patient advocacy group will be involved in the application; help ensure the availability of the drug or device and assist with all aspects of the supply chain management; confirm availability of the patient population at NeuroNEXT sites; and develop a statistical design for your project. 

Working with NeuroNEXT is truly a collaborative process! We invest our full Network resources (and enthusiasm!) into projects deemed feasible by NEC and ESC. And while we have developed many resources to assist with grant applications to the Network, it is important to remember that, as the Principal Investigator for your project, you are ultimately responsible for the final grant submission. 

The NINDS, NEC and PWG do not make a determination as to the scientific merit of the proposal. Once the grant application is submitted, it undergoes review at an NINDS Special Emphasis Panel composed of members with appropriate expertise. Funding decisions are made based on the results of the peer review. Working with the Network on a proposal submission should not be considered a guarantee of approved funding.