NN104 Primary Endpoint Publication

Lyden P, Pryor KE, Coffey CS, Cudkowicz M, Conwit R, Jadhav A, Sawyer RN, Claassen J, Adeoye O, Song S, Hannon P, Rost NS, Hinduja A, Torbey M, Lee JM, Benesch C, Rippee M, Rymer M, Froehler MT, Haley EC, Johnson M, Yankey J, Magee K, Qidwai J, Levy H, Haacke EM, Fawaz M, Davis TP, Toga AQ, Griffin JH, Zlokovic BV, the NeuroNEXT Clinical Trials Network NN104 Investigators

Final Results of the RHAPSODY Trial: A Multi-Center, Phase 2 Trial Using a Continual Reassessment Method to Determine the Safety and Tolerability of 3K3A-APC, A Recombinant Variant Human Activated Protein C, in Combination with Tissue Plasminogen Activ…


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