Traci Schwieger, MS, PhD

Traci Schwieger

 Dr. Schwieger has been with the CTSDMC for over ten years and has been a Protocol Coordinator for the Clinical Islet Transplant (CIT) Consortium as well as the Bracing in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Trial (BrAIST). She is also PI of the Fox Insight project with the Michael J. Fox Foundation. Dr. Schweiger is ACRP-certified as a Certified Clinical Research Associate (CCRA). She joined the NeuroNEXT DCC team to assist in the pre- and peri-award development of protocols. Once NINDS Council has approved protocols, she will be the DCC point person for eCRF development and the creation of the EDC system. She will establish training modules and work closely with the CCC to plan investigator meetings, and develop central pharmacy and laboratory procedures.
