Louis B. Nabors, MD

Louis B. Nabors

Dr. Nabors will provide overall leadership and administration of the Core. Drs. Nabors and Bashir are co-equal principle Investigators and will jointly make all important conceptual and personnel decisions on the grant. Dr. Nabors will be primarily responsible for all patient related clinical studies. This includes identification of eligible patients or study subjects, consenting, and neurological examination.

He is originally from Columbus, Mississippi, obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering from Mississippi State University in 1985. He then obtained his Medical Doctorate from the University of Tennessee in 1991. He was active in the United States Navy as a Flight Surgeon from 1992-95. Afterwards, he completed a Neuro-oncology fellowship at the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 2000 and is board certified with the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology.

He is currently Professor of Neurology, Director for the UAB Division of Neuro-oncology and Vice Chair of Research. He is an active participating member of the medical staff with the Neurology Service for UAB Hospital and an Associate Scientist in the Neuro-oncology Program at the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center. He has secondary appointments with the Department of Biomedical Engineering and the Department of Cell Biology.

His subspecialty is neuro-oncology, the main focus of which is the Comprehensive Cancer Center Neuro-oncology Program, which consists of Neuro-oncology, Neurosurgery, Radiation Oncology, Neuropathology, Research Scientists, Nurse Practitioners, and Neuropsychologists.

His research efforts are focused on the translation of basic laboratory observations into meaningful early phase clinical trials. He has an extensive history of translating basic science observations at UAB into early phase clinical trials, serving as project leader for NCI cooperative group early phase and mid-level trials, and been an active participant in large randomized phase III studies as a member of steering committees and coordinating investigator for patients with neurological cancer.
