NIH NINDS Request for Information (RFI): NOT-NS-24-018

NIH NINDS Request for Information (RFI): NOT-NS-24-018

Soliciting Input on Opportunities, Gaps, and Challenges in Global Health Research in Neurological Diseases and Stroke

We need your insights! On behalf of the Office of Global Health & Health Disparities (OGHHD) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), we are pleased to announce the release of the following Request for Information seeking input on priorities for global health research in neurological disorders and stroke.

Your perspective is invaluable whether you are from the scientific research community, clinical practice communities, patient and family advocates, scientific or professional organizations, federal partners, HHS and NIH staff, or other interested constituents. 

We highly encourage you to submit your feedback and/or share this announcement with your colleagues, contacts, or members. As described in this Request for Information (NOT-NS-24-018), please share your thoughts on key challenges, opportunities, and needs in global health research. This effort will culminate in a public workshop and published report of the process, findings, and results. It is our goal that this priority setting process be data-driven, standardized, and transparent, and will assemble a wide range of perspectives and stakeholders interested in helping to address research gaps and forge new partnerships between Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) and High-income Countries (HICs) to advance our global research activities in neurological health.

All responses to this RFI must be submitted electronically using the web-based form at:

Responses will be accepted through Monday, July 1st, 2024

Contact Information and Additional Resources

For inquiries related to this RFI, contact the NINDS-OGHHD RFI Team at: OGHHDRFI@NINDS.NIH.GOV