NeuroNEXT is an engaged, open, and collaborative Network. The Clinical Site PIs actively lead or participate in one or more of the 9 committees:
- NeuroNEXT Executive Committee (NEC) oversees all Network activities, determines feasibility of proposed studies, assists with site selection for funded studies, and promotes collaboration throughout the Network.
- Pipeline Development Committee focuses on attracting industry partners by promoting the Network’s visibility and offering an accessible interface for potential partners.
- Publication and Data Sharing Committee helps develop SOPs for publication and data sharing within the Network, as well as a guideline document that outlines operational requirements for developing manuscripts and presentations.
- Recruitment, Retention and Diversity Committee advises the PPI and study team of funded projects to review recruitment and retention plans. The committee also reviews diversity in recruitment for all Network projects and presents on recruitment strategies, data collection, reporting and methods to enhance diversity in Network trials.
- Education Committee provides educational opportunities to all members of the Network, including the Site Investigator training course and an in-person PI training course.
- CTSA Liaison Committee works with leaders within the CTSA to coordinate efforts around education and biostatistical support for junior investigators applying to the Network, and encourages potential investigators to utilize their local CTSA support prior to the submission of Network proposals.
- Site PI Committee works closely with Network sites and Network Leadership to enhance site PI engagement in Network activities and identify common themes and approaches between the sites.