Call for INC Pilot Award Applications!

The INC Pilot/Feasibility Core is now accepting applications for Pilot Awards. The goal of the INC Pilot Awards is to support investigators wishing to perform single or multi-site projects that will advance the diagnosis, clinical trial readiness, management, and/or treatment of CMT. Both senior investigators wishing to expand their research into new directions and Junior INC investigators are encouraged to apply.

Deadline: Full applications (including NIH Biosketch) should be submitted via email to before 17:00 January 27th 2020 (EST). Late submissions will not be accepted.


  1. NIH Biosketch
  2. Research plan (3 pages)
  3. Budget (1 page)

Applications should include the applicant’s NIH Biosketch and a three-page Research Plan, including a Specific Aims page and a Research Strategy of no more than 3 pages, consisting of Background and Preliminary Data, Scientific Approach, Interpretation of the Data, and Future Directions (references do not count toward the page limit).

The research plan should be completed in a sans-serif typeface (Arial or equivalent, not Arial Narrow) and font size of 11 point, with a minimum of 2cm margins.

Budget: $25,000 to 50,000 for a one-year project (a second-year extension will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis). The application should include a separate page with detailed costings of the pilot project.

Applications and questions regarding this funding opportunity should be sent to Laura Perez Quiros (