NN101 Primary Manuscript: “Natural History of Infantile-Onset Spinal Muscular Atrophy”

Kolb SJ, Coffey CS, Yankey JW, Korsschell KP, Arnold WD, Rutkove SB, Swoboda KJ, Reyna SP, Sakonju A, Darras BT, Shell R, Kuntz N, Castro D, Parsons J, Connolly A, Chiriboga CA, McDonald C, Burnette B, Werner W, Thangarajh M, Shieh P, Finanger E, Cudkowicz M, McGovern MM, McNeil DE, Finkel R, Iannacone ST, Kaye E, Kingsley A, Renusch SR, McGovern VL, Wang X, Zaworski PG, Prior TW, Burghes A, Bartlett AHM, Kissel JT the NeuroNEXT Clinical Trial Network and on behalf of the NN101 SMA Biomarker Investigators.

Natural History of Infantile-Onset Spinal Muscular Atrophy

PubMed: PMC5776712

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